
Archive for September, 2012’s Interview of Rasana Atreya

September 29, 2012 Leave a comment

Author Interview – Rasaba Atreya, a successful author born out of annoyance with advertisements … (via ePublish a Book)

Author Interview – Rasaba Atreya, a successful author born out of annoyance with advertisements … Rasana Atreya, author of Tell A Thousand Lies, left a comfortable job in IT because she thought roughing it out as a penniless writer was romantic. She’s a blogger, and the mother of two grade-schoolers…

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My Novel #1 in my Amazon Category

September 23, 2012 5 comments

As of this morning my novel, Tell A Thousand Lies, sits at the top of the heap: [Amazon US] [Amazon UK]





Major Publisher Calls for Unagented Submissions

September 14, 2012 1 comment

If you write adult and young adult speculative fiction, now’s your chance. Harper Voyager is calling for unagented submissions between Oct 1 – 14, 2012. Click here  for details.


September 1, 2012 Leave a comment







Hello everyone! I’m CP Bialois, but you can call me CP. I answer to either so no worries. I want to thank Rasana Atreya for allowing me to share her blog today to celebrate the launching of my newest book (more on that later).

When people first learn I’m a writer, one of the first questions I’m asked is “How do you write?” Out of all the questions I’ve been asked through the course of my life, that one used to make me think every time. Since I’ve since become used to answering it, I thought I’d share my thoughts and views on how I do it.

Depending on who you talk to you’ll either want to have the story planned out with a detailed outline, a vague outline leaving you room to grow, or simply write by the seat of your pants.

I have to be totally honest in that for the longest time I felt like a freak because my methods are a combination of the second and third choices I listed. Everywhere I turned, people were telling me that to be successful I had to have every detail planned for what I wanted to write.

You see, I can pick up a pen and paper and just start a story off the top of my head. By the time I’m two to three sentences in I know who my main characters will be, what I want to happen in the story, and how I want it to end. The characters I create then take me on the journey as they tell me what to write.

While everyone seems to like my stories, I never took myself seriously. They were always a hobby or something to do to entertain my friends. Then one day I picked up Stephen King’s book On Writing and I found a home. When he said how his stories often involve him putting a coupe of characters into a certain situation and letting them find their way out I let out a cheer. One of my idols had a style similar to mine! Can you imagine the feeling of vindication I felt? To have one of my idols have the same basic system I do blew my mind.

It’s something I’ve never forgotten and don’t mind using when a friend or a would be writer asks me “How do you write?”. the answer for me took more time than maybe it should have, but each of us have our own system for doing things. It’s up to us to find what works best and not be afraid of failing. It’s tough, but when you come across something written by one of your idols voicing the same practices… it’s worth the journey.

That journey has led me to publish two books with a third, The Sword and the Flame: The Purging launching September 6, 2012. It’s the sequel in a two book series I loved working on more than I can ever explain. Until next time, have a great day my friends and many thanks to Rasana Atreya for allowing me to share her blog today.

Twitter: @CPBialois


Facebook: http://www/facebook/com/AuthoCPBialois
